Outlaw Fitness/FitNut Performance focuses on getting people Healthy and Strong, not just in shape. Fitness and Nutrition combined for optimum performance for life.
Ok. So I don't REALLY know what a blog is, but I kinda get the idea. I'll give it a try and will blog from time to time on whatever.. It'll be like me.. All over. Anything, Everything and Nothing all at the same time.  I could blog about about fitness and/or nutrition, my kids, tattoos, events or just life in general. I don't know, but I guess we'll see : ) I want to thank everyone in advance for supporting me and taking this little journey into the world of blogging with me!

One more thing... IF you see a blog or post or anything you like here, Please be sure to hit those Facebook and/or Twitter buttons at the bottom. Not a HUGE deal, but your one little click could help put me on the map. Well not really, but it COULD send someone here who wouldn't have heard of me or my fitness business otherwise. So in advance.... Thank you  because those simple little clicks show Huge support and caring : )


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The purpose of Outlaw Fitness/FitNut Performance is to help people lead a Healthy and Strong life, not to just get them in shape. Fitness and Nutrition combined for optimum performance for life.