So if you wanna kick start your metabolism, the best way is to ALWAYS have breakfast! If you don't, consider yourself doomed to a day of constant cravings..
And Not for the good for you stuff either because when you skip breakfast, you're Way more likely to skip fruits and vegetables the rest of the day!
And if you want to add to the "burn"?.. Try adding some red pepper to that meal.
And if you wanna stay satiated Even longer? Add some fiber while your at it.
Also!..Eating breakfast gives you energy, increasing your physical activity during the day. A healthy breakfast refuels your body, so do NOT skip this most important meal of the day!
If you're skipping breakfast — whether you're trying to save time or cut calories — you may want to reconsider, especially if you're trying to control your weight.
Today I was in a HUGE rush and here's what I had at 8:30am:
1/8cup(also 2Tbs) Bear Naked Fit granola-60cal,1.2fat,11carb,1fiber,2protein
1&1/3Tbs Chia seeds-
1Tsp ground Flax seeds-
1mini box Raisins-
45cal,0fat,11carb,1fiber,0protein.. (I normally have 3/4 cup frozen berries {they are HIGH in anti-oxidants!} that have been thawed overnight in the fridge instead, but forgot to do it last night)
1/2scoop Designer Whey protein w/1/2tsp Psyllium-
Very filling, good on calories, low in fat( Tbs pb and small apple and protein drink around 11:30a will be next=good fat) and a whopping 1/3 daily fiber! Wanna slim down? Keep your fiber NO LESS THAN 25 grams a day. Most people get only about 10-15 grams in a day! I aim for 35, but not much more due to side effects I don't care for ;)
I have pre-made baggies of the 2nd,3rd and 4th ingredients. Also I like to have some days...
3-egg whites and 1-2 slices either low sodium or turkey bacon or turkey sausage on 2 slices of 100%whole wheat toast with a 1/2 piece of natural American cheese.
Remember this... Eating breakfast gets you on track to make healthy choices all day. People who eat breakfast regularly tend to eat a healthier diet — one that is more nutritious and Naturally lower in bad fats.
And ALWAYS!! Always! Make your kids eat breakfast.. because studies show that children who eat breakfast perform better on cognitive tests and in school.